Card Production
Working to client supplied data and specification, Euclid produces high quality cards to order under tight SLA terms. Unlike the majority of providers this does NOT simply entail overprinting on pre-produced "whites".
Instead, cards are actually constructed in house, 21 up in multiple layers so that the print – both fixed "background design" and variable "personalisation" - is integrated to a single pass and securely located WITHIN the card construction – hence its registered description Integra®.
Integra® surpasses all other print methodology for robustness and longevity resulting in what is truly a five year card.
Euclid’s Integra® process provides over 30,000 personalised smart cards each 7 hour shift.
Options include:
Contactless smartcard – all generics.
Holograms / secure laser etched foils
Tactile surface features
Blind Notch

Euclid offers a range of encoding including industry standards such as ITSO to custom requirements across a range of media including smartcards and magstripe.
Euclid’s installed base of E7020 automated smartcard encoders process over 30,000 contactless ITSO cards each shift.

Not all clients choose to have their cards individually mailed.
Where that is a requirement, automation again delivers with Euclid’s issuance having capacity to match and attach cards to personalised letters at a rate of 6,000 per hour.
Letters are printed with fixed and personalisation detail “on the fly”, which means there is no requirement to hold individual client / scheme stock letter-heading.

Unique to Euclid’s fabrication is an in-house testing facility where product can be sample or batch tested to the relevant ISO standards – i.e. ISO 7810 /12 /15, 14445 and BS10373. Testing of every new design ensures product reliability.
Euclid’s Integra® cards typically exceed the minimum ISO standards on flex/bend and torsion by a massive factor of 28 whilst for bond / peel the accepted figure is generally exceeded by a factor of 3